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Thursday, 24 March 2016

Scrapped screenshots Part 1

As I mentioned when I posted the forgotten The Witcher 3 screenshot,I don't upload some screenshots due to problems,bad quality etc.So I thought I might upload a few of them,just for fun.So hear you go,Part 1 of my 'scrapped' screenshots

Forgotten The Witcher 3 screenshot

So I was browsing  through my screenshot folder right now,and I noticed a Witcher 3 screenshot I didn't upload.This wasn't unusual,I have a few lying around there that I didn't upload due to quality or some kind of problem.However,what was unusual is that he didn't have any problems and he wasn't that bad looking,which means I just forgot the basterd.Here you go,now's your time to shine(literally) mate!(I watched waaaaay to much GradeAunderA today)

Top 10s

I want to do something a bit different in the new future,tomorrow to be more exact.
I plan on producing a top 10 list series where I cover the top ten mods of various categories for Skyrim and The Witcher 3.
The main reason for this is I can't possibly cover all my Skyrim mods,it would take hours to type and read so I will only cover what I consider the top ones.
Have a nice day/evening
