I'd like to show of a mod,Necromancer Hut,which is a small camp with a tent/hut aimed at necromancer characters.The camp looks great,and the hut has a nice,cozy atmosphere to it
Outside,in the camp,there are numerous decorations,in form of flora and objects.A tanning rack and a anvil can also be found there
Outside,in the camp,there are numerous decorations,in form of flora and objects.A tanning rack and a anvil can also be found there
The hut itself is small,though it's well decorated,and has a bed,enchanters table and a bed.
Here are some screenshots to show off it's beauty
I personally love this mod,and would recommend it.It's great if you are role-playing,or want a small,comfortable home instead of a large castle or mansion
You can check it out at the link at the top if you are interested or want more information.Have a nice day/evening at happy modding.